Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Monday, 3 August 2015

.Over One Decade Of Weather Modification - NASA`s Blue Marble Earth Photos.

There is a thought going around, showing two of NASA`s Blue Marble photographs of the Earth; one from 2000 and the other from 2015; with the former having a clear view of the lands and oceans, and the latter having a smear of grey over everything.

Did NASA just happen to take the 2015 photos on a very cloudy day, across the entire globe?

Many are claiming this is the final proof of the scale the Weather Modification operations are working on.

I took some time today, to go Googling about for NASA space pictures; and frankly; they are not as common as you'd think; and there are a lot that are out there which, even with my keen life long interest in space; I have not seen before; with tidbits I did not know about.

So here I will share some of the stranger things I found, and the obvious Blue Marble photos.

Let me get a coffee and a smoke, first...

This is a series of photographs taken in 1948; utilizing a captured Nazi V-2 rocket, with a camera rigged onto it in place of the war head.

This has nothing to do with Weather Mod; it's just crazy that the Nazi's V-2 rocket was capable of reaching Near Earth Space...

Think about that for as long as you need to..........

This is a photo from 1960; the caption explains it pretty well; not much of not here; other than the enormous weather system reaching across the ocean... If I'm not mistaken; that weird shaped bit of land sticking out, is where I live; Nova Scotia; which makes that the Atlantic; and I watch weather charts in real time (They are my browser's opening pages...) and never see storm systems like that form. Note the wispy trails coming off the edges...

The 1950's and 1960's were a time of heavy weather modification experimenting; I've read about some devastating results; including entire American towns being wiped off the map; along with it's utilization in the Vietnam war.

This is from Apollo 8; taken by the astronauts in 1968.

It is called "Earth Rise".

We see some very strange weather systems in place here, including one that is splitting into two hydra head like shapes in opposing directions in the lower left quadrant..

Now for the more recent, higher resolution images...

This is from 2002... Looks good right? 

Some minor wisps around Southern Australia; looks like they are trying to pull rain up and inland... 

Over all though, the globe is clear looking in terms of cloud cover.

Natural even... Although from what I've been seeing in terms of scientific studies via Google search; I might not have ever seen 'natural weather' in my thirty one years of existence in this body, on this planet.

Now the fucked up part...

This is the Blue Marble image released by NASA in 2012.

Something looks... Different... Eh... ?

First; America is an enormous fucking desert.

Second; there is as assload of cloud cover smeared across the globe; an awful lot of which has the give away wispy trails of a cloud seeding operation.

"But isn't making rain good?"

You might ask...

No... We don't "make" rain... This operation speeds up the water cycle, and the negative results outweigh the positive; from torrential downpours that wash out embankments, leading to the loss of rivers; and the increase in evaporation/degradation of water retention and so on.

What the Governments and Corporations are publicly listing as their intent in most of these cases are "Solar Management" operations; I.E. clouding the skies over to block the Sun; using Sulfates; including Sulfuric Acid as this nut on the Colbert Report states on international television; along with various other uses; including "reducing hail size"...

Final image...

This is from 2015; brand spanking new.

Look at that cloud cover!

It doesn't even make sense any more, it's just massive smears of grey, dirty looking cloud cover. The globe even looks dimmer (Hilariously enough:The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosolsto create a global dimming effect..."...) and all blotted out.

Is someone trying to turn our planet into Venus, or what?

Finally here is a link I found along the way; discussing how one of the worst mass extinction events was caused by conditions (No one is sure of what CAUSED the conditions, however...); very similar to where our society of industrial pollution and toxic technology; is taking the conditions of our planet at this very moment; from the oceans collapsing, to the mass removal of forests; it's coming:
When Planet Earth Nearly Killed All Life.

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