Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

:2nd Draft: - .The Declaration Of An Independent Free Nation.

I was thinkin about how it's 500 bucks to run for mayor, and how our town, like many towns has, one, mayor usually; then about how it would be fun to just to run for laughs, THEN I started thinking of what my platform would be and it ended up turning pretty serious at that point; of which the results, 11 bullets drafted on this day June 25th, and finalized at 8:20 p.m. on that day, which if I ever had 500 bucks and wanted to blow it on running for mayor, I would use as my Mayoral Running Platform.

.The 2nd draft of "The Documentation Of An Independent Free Nation".

1. No taxes shall be levied upon locally made Hand Crafts, locally being any Craftsmen residing within the HRM directly, or if possible the province of Nova Scotia. The taxes paid on buying supplies, and general life more then cover the final product.

2. Electric Car Outposts to be build in order to phase out large internal combustion engine traffic.

3. More Architecturally Eccentric friendly building codes, to spruce the place up.

4. Actually clean up the harbour.

5. Retrain the HRM Police Force - Mandatory "Common Courtesy" courses; institute the "Helping Hand" program; I.E. - Picking up hikers, assisting old ladies with ridiculously large amounts of groceries and so forth. Turn Big Brother into a True Big Brother, not a dog on a chain.

6. Emplacement of "Common Market Place" - Large indoor/outdoor location for use by locals to buy and sell their wares; this will concentrate and psychologically encourage local talent to get out there and start building an independent life style, as well as encouraging the local economy/community connection.

7. Legalize marijuana and encourage a local economic BOOM!

8. Some how get doctors who are paid $20,000 every two weeks to not be paid that much, so the funds can be appropriately applied to the maintenance and general good upkeep of the Hospital itself and the absolute care of it's patience. For $20,000 every two weeks you shouldn't just be resuscitating people and leaving them in Intensive Care; you should AT LEAST be resurrecting them as healthy as a summer breeze with magic powers or something.

9. Push the Oil Refinery OUT - Build massive eco-powered machinery to provide free electricity to the citizens, as Emera's monopoly on the power grid is essentially economically illegal; and it is the Government's place to provide SUPERIOR alternatives should there be none.

10. Develop our parklands and green spaces (Leaving Wilderness alone.) into more "Philosopher Friendly" environs, and enhance existing playground equipment to encourage bolder, stronger, free wheeling children.

11. Push for a more Libertarian Government overall.

P.S. At 9:00 P.M. the Parties official slogan was decided upon by popular choice as "Do it for the children."

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