Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

.Revolution of the Individual Mind.

The Revolution of the Individual Mind.

Moving beyond cultures, cults, group think, mob mentality, and general collective stupidity.

The Revolution of the Individual Mind requires only one person.

The Individual.

To be a part of The Revolution of the Individual Mind, one must wake up each day and commit oneself to carefully managing your money, only supporting ethical companies you completely approve of, and not floundering around with distracting purchases of novelty items which only impede one from cleaning up of one's apartment.

The Revolution of the Individual Mind requires one to daily make the commitment to go beyond the first step of completion with the tasks which one was born to complete.

The first step of completion is where 99% of the population believes their work is done.

As an Operation: Shadow Project Operative functioning within The Revolution of the Individual Mind, one simply does not have time to fuck around with being as good as the 99% of humanity.

One takes a good look at what is 'Pretty well done', and find what needs to be improved to make that shit shine like diamonds in the glaring Summer Sun.

Every act one commits to is an act of art.

Every piece of art one commits to is a master piece.

One will not find satisfaction in one's day until one have refined one's master piece as far as one physically and mentally possibly can for the day.

When one develops a solid routine with one's function; one finds a new, far more challenging function; possibly a dangerous one that requires intense concentration to enjoy without one visiting a hospital.

Something like archery is a good start.

Everything one does in Life is now dedicated towards the greater cause of Culture and the development of humanity; The Whole.

When one is offered the chance to give to charity and assist a good cause with the productions of one's art; and you feel a welling of goodness within you that drowns out all other stimulation at the time; take the chance, and give as much as one can of their art to it; art was meant for humanity in this way; and should be given to humanity as a whole and oneself as an individual. 

One can craft more anyway.

One makes master pieces out of piles of shit; so when one has proper materials, imagine what one may produce!

This isn't to say one shouldn't make money off one's work, but that is also part of the Revolution of the Individual Mind: Winning the hilarious game of commerce man kind invented. 



Therefore the perfect challenge for one partaking in The Revolution of the Individual Mind.

The Revolution of the Human Mind should reinforce in one that:

One is a Human Being.

There is no other physical creature on the planet like the Human Being, and one has tremendous powers of self expression and creative output.

Do not bury one's light.

During The Revolution of the Individual Mind; one may be presented with challenges one does not comprehend.

If these challenges feel proper, and are not distractions, one should train in them whole heatedly and understand that later on they will come into play some how for one.

One should seek The Truth of Reality.

If Caveman could find it; so can we.

Walk on one's Mother Earth with feet of love for her, warm oneself to her whenever you can; know she embraces one's steps as Father Reality embraces one's existence.

Live in awe of their creation and in harmony with their creation.

Find how one impacts the world with what one does.

How does one leave their mark, and leave it permanently?

If one doesn't do anything; ONE NEEDS TO LEARN SOMETHING.

If one doesnt' know how to learn... ONE MUST LEARN HOW TO LEARN.

Knowing how to learn on one's own is the greatest tool one can ever posses.

It is one's ticket to "Fuck you, I did it." town.

If one wants to be able to say: "Fuck you, I did it."; every day, to every punk motherfucker who tries to stop one's ambitions because of their own failings and short comings; then one will dedicate oneself to becoming far better then oneself, while getting to know oneself, better then oneself ever before oneself every day that you are alive and embracing one's own Revolution of the Individual Mind.

Those of us in The Revolutions of the Individual Minds don't just want to see the electronic device; we want to tear it's guts out and know exactly how it works; and if it can do anything else.

Curiosity of the unknown is the inexhaustible rush.

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