None of this would have happened if Waye had just ignored my initial tweet to him; or had responded in a civilized fashion; but he didn't; he challenged me; and basically declared war upon me; along with his followers; and so this blog entry was born; so Waye; thank yourself; for being your own worst enemy.
I will attempt to keep this brief; on point; succulent; and logical.
To clarify, I have no political affiliation, I`m not even an Anarchist; not a Communist, not a Nazi, not a Conservative, a Liberal, a NDP, I vaguely trust the Green party; simply because they have not gotten into power yet to prove if they are corrupt or not; I think politics are fucking stupid and a pathetic children`s game of drama; but as politics, especially in this modern era; dictates the very environment and culture I am surrounded by; I have no choice but to be immersed in this world of utter contemptuous bullshit... An arena of clowns, with billions of dollars, and enormous military power and capacity for fatal levels violence.
I am of no religion, or any other group; I am that guy that Just Wants To Be A Farmer, but it's like everything possible, up to and including Governments that want a civil war, would like to stand in the way of such a simple goal.
This crossed my news feed the day after writing this blog.
This is written, simply because trying to interact with Waye, or his followers, or most any politician; is like getting into an argument with a 7 year old who can only respond be insulting the critical thinker; over, and over, and over, and over again; with little to no variation; literally at times responding with copy pasta'd responses from 4chan... I'm not even making that up... 40-50 year old men, involved in the running of our city; responding with 4chan insults... Waye has literally called another Canadian politician (Rob Ford of all people...) a "Douche Bag"... Publicly... On his Twitter... I'm not intending to focus specifically on Waye, but he did inspire this piece, after I tweeted him that all politicians should be euthanized for the nation's own good; to which he declared something about "Saying that to his face"; however the meeting point is an hour and a half walk from my apartment, and I'm currently calorie deficient in my diet, due to being too focused on other tasks at hand to be bothered making proper amounts of food... And being too poor to 'just buy convenience food'; I'm on the goddamn grind, bitch.
One of his followers even threatened me with violence and that he`d `beat me like a cat with a mouse`; if I remember the exact words correctly.
The local politics Facebook page: "What Matters To The Citizens Of The HRM & Nova Scotia"; which I enjoy reading, but am not a part of; has been utterly removed from Facebook today; in what appears to be a blatant act of political oppression of the rights to free speech and protest.
Waye obviously is behind this, as the page had brought to light many of his stupid comments, insults and petty behaviour and one of the moderators of WMTTCOTHRM had an on going online dispute with him via Twitter from what I've seen.
Updated Update:
The Dartmouth Liberation Front Facebook page has ALSO been expunged from existence; this page having contention with Waye for his heavy handed and ignorant approach to their displeasure of having been intentionally rebranded as "Halifax"; despite massive outcry to the contrary.
Seems Waye is on the war path; I wonder if this blog will also be eradicated by the Mighty Iron Fisted Waye of Halifax?
Updated To This Updating: Both pages are back online; unknown causes for their blocking; presumably Waye had something to do with it; he's evil and manipulative like that.
I suppose he will have the HRMPD come murder me, then swear under oath I had attacked them outright to start with, even though I will be sleeping at the time of murder most likely; as my previous experience with HRMPD has shown.
Updated Updated Update:
Waye keeps deleting this link from his Twitter, to hide this blog from his followers; even though he wanted a dialog, even though all he had to say were slurs and insults; he then banned me from his Twitter page; and further leveled more insults when stating he was doing so.
We've got ourselves a real Censor of Dissent.
Jeazhus... Updates...:
Waye made a passive aggressive video, posted to his Twitter and Facebok, in a juvenile attempt to mock me for not showing up; and committing to the three hour round trip walk to meet him so that he could, presumably, not let me talk; as that is what politicians try to do, consistently; and I presume all that would come out of his mouth, would be a torrent of childish shit; as that is all his online activity consists of.
Speaking of which; Waye appears to spend 98% of his working day on Twitter and Facebook trolling, and then banning people; issuing challenges; and then getting bent out of shape when they are responded to; ala this blog post.
Waye Mason demonstrating the blank mind, wall eyed stare of your average bovine politician.
Is this the kind of person you think should be in Government?
A childish, insipid, game playing little turd?
This man has some serious compensation issues, which he is attempting to resolve through holding positions of public power; much like many of our politicians; this sort of mind set needs to be removed from politics altogether; people should have to pass some sort of basic intelligence test to hold a position of any relevance and then closely monitored during their employ for any signs of degenerate behaviour.
More Fucking Update:
Waye has now banned me from his Facebook account, where he is openly mocking me for 'not showing up'; through the video and also text comments with his supporters; and after I left comments explaining why, again; and left the link to this page, he proceeded to delete it all and block me, again.
Pretty indignant of him; to issue a challenge, than react this way; while gloating about how great he is and how I did not show up; despite my explaining to him, last night; why I wouldn't be making the three hour round trip walk.
When a fellow member of Thought Gang posted this blog to his Facebook page; in defiance of the censorship, Waye personally messaged him back and said the following; (Claiming the other member was me, just as previously his followers had claimed I was someone I've never heard of before; then proclaimed me a liar for stating I'm not that person; even though my account details are all public and visible.) threatening to call the police, for dissent; as per the tyrannical psychopath that he is:
"So I take it you are in fact Stephen. Stephen, get help. If you contact me again I will send the police to talk to you. Not to kill you as per your blog, that will never happen. But because you need help."
You know you've got a real tough guy; when he's a politician who will talk shit, publicly, incessantly; while demanding you respond, then blocking you when you do; then if an ally steps in, he automatically goes and draws the police card; only a cowardly chicken shit acts like a tough guy while standing behind a wall of armed goons.
Calling the police, for an act HE REQUESTED IN THE FIRST PLACE; then would not allow the expression of?
While HIS followers are the one's making threats of physical violence, at that!
Audacious, really.
He is truly a pathetic and weak individual, and the lowest form of intelligence I have come across in our Government so far; frightening really.)
Over all; I donno what this says about them; or me (That I know what 4chan is, or can recognize content from there to start with..........); but I know that 4chan shouldn't be running the city; ever...
No offense 4chan; but you are just not a responsible adult; but then again, when 4chan puts it's collective mind together; it can wreak total havoc... I've never seen them build anything; but havoc they do well... So it's prolly best our politicians do not hail from that corner of the internet... As they will just create havoc; which explains everything going on...
After reading enough political drama bits and pieces around the web; about who tweeted what to who, who then responded via Facebook about whatever, who then retorted indigently over Instagram...
Then reports about their actual 'jobs' come out; and it's clear no progress is being made politically on the Municipal, Provincial, or Federal levels; because motherfuckers are too busy attempting to sabotage one another's plans, while pushing their own plans; regardless if their plan is superior or not; with a war monger like attitude of Death Before Failure. Harper, the 'leader' of Canada; even goes so far as to make speaking about the reality of environmental impacts of Big Oil, illegal; and restrict information about the reality of the situation.
I would like to point out when it comes to representation of rich ridings, over poor ridings; typically we see a rich riding have substantial influence and sway over political dealings; while the poor get the shit end of the stick in every way imaginable.
This is not Feudal Japan.
The politicians are not Samurai that must serve their Lord or commit Seppuku; although the world would be a better place if the politicians did commit Seppuku; preferably in public and filmed, then uploaded to the internet.
Government is supposed to be a cohesive entity; focused entirely on maintaining infrastructure and quality of life.
It has no business in business.
It also has no business in the personal affairs of the people, or any business in religion.
Business and religion also have no business with Government.
This should be a simple and clear objective; maintained with the utmost diligence; however; one only has to look around to see the lack of ability and capacity to focus on any form of goal, that all three levels of Government have.
This is not an Elementary School Popularity Contest.
Politicians are destroying people's lives daily with their impotent personal dramas.
At the Federal level; Harper claims ISIS is the biggest threat to Canadians; while utterly ignoring the devastation being wrought by Lyme Disease; which has made it so I, for example, can no longer enjoy my favorite past time of sitting in fields, and forests; without the constant threat of an infected tick slipping onto me, and passing the bacteria along, thereby rendering the rest of my life a living Hell if not caught in time.
At the Provincial level; we see tax credits that benefit the poor being cut in favour of tax credits for Clearwater Seafood and other local Nova Scotian Billionaire owned Feudal States.
Out west at the Provincial level we see the problem of privatization leading to massive forest fires burning out of control for days and weeks at a time; the water bombers being used are tiny sea plane sized vehicles; while the large water bombers are still grounded, due to contract disputes with private companies.
Literally; as the province of British Columbia burns, and people's lives and well being are being directly threatened, greedy people are in board rooms arguing over dollars and cents.
Here in Halifax, Nova Scotia; we have seen privatized contracts take over snow removal, and lawn care.
The lawns are over grown, which combined with the Lyme Disease outbreak, of which Halifax is a hot zone; creates a perfect storm of devastation; the future cost of Lyme Disease alone in terms of medical expenses should have politicians shitting their pants in terror.
Not only will a large portion of the work force be physically incapable of work, but will also be draining Health Care at an utterly incomprehensible rate.
The snow removal gets even sketchier; as a simple Google search will reveal to the determined reader, that professional Weather Modification services can be used to generate a foot of precipitation for mere pennies; while snow removal contractors charge hundreds of thousands of dollars per acre to perform their society enabling task.
Halifax allegedly got more snow this winter, than the rest of Nova Scotia; which is odd; as we are right on the Atlantic Ocean, and thus rarely get the heavier snow fall levels of inland Nova Scotia; particularly any of the mountainous regions.
It doesn't take a genius to see how a snow contractor could invest very little money into making it snow over the city; so that he can 'make it rain'; so to speak; in his bank account.
This is further complicated suddenly; now that you, the reader, knows that Weather Modification is a reality now; and not just a pipe dream (It's been a technological reality for well over 100 years now, with many inventors from the 19th century altering local weather. This article will not get into weather magic and only focus on mechanical capacity.); being used to reduce hail size in Western Canada; and to "Manage UV Radiation" around the globe; we now must wonder:
"Why is Weather Modification being used to fight the forest fires raging out west?"
"Why is Weather Modification being used to fight the forest fires raging out west?"
What is the behind the rooms thinking and dealing that has lead to this out come?
A few nights ago a fire started where my friend is; it was caused by lightening.
Before the fire started, when it was raining, we joked that 'it might be the same storm'; I checked the weather radar for fun; and saw that the storm over her was extremely localized.
It was literally the ONLY cloud cover for hundreds, if not thousands of square kilometers.
It was also pretty well the same size as the body of water it was hovering over.
Cloud Seeding is the act of spraying Aluminum Bromide in the sky, so that moisture collects into rain clouds; making it very easy to create a storm over a body of water; I've watched many operations use the Bay of Fundy as a sort of 'mixing cauldron'; for lack of better words.
This ALMOST causes me to wonder if the storm which triggered the fire itself had been artificially generated.
The fact they are not generating rain to fight the storms; and the fact that crews are currently under manned, and under machined; seemingly constantly and intentionally; while media focus goes on Harper's visit (Which distracted the few men on the ground working, for a photo op......); does make me wonder about these wild fires.
ALMOST as if someone is intentionally setting forest fires, and intentionally retarding any efforts to contain them.
The next subject at hand is the constant poisoning of the population; while Government regulates our lives on a micromanagement level 'for our own good'.
You cannot legally smoke and grow weed; a simple flower; but it is okay for a corporation to sell you a flea collar dosed with a chemical weapon nerve agent created by the Nazis (Who shelved it for being too sketchy.); and for that corporation to cause thousands (Of recorded.) deaths of pets and I'm willing to bet, people; after my own personal experience with such a flea collar.
While our food is filled with Soy, which mimics estrogen, and causes sterility in both sexes, and the effeminization of the male human organism.
While our food is sprayed/grown with chemical weapons left over from the World Wars.
While the Government has publicly known since 1963/64 that tobacco causes cancer because of the chemical fertilizer it is grown in, WHICH IS THE SAME CHEMICAL FERTILIZER OUR FOOD IS GROWN IN.
Do not even fucking get me started on GMO farming; I've witnessed it's effects first hand, and I would rather be in a war zone fighting for my life; than live around a GMO field again.
At least in a war zone I can shoot back without the RCMP raiding my house constantly.
Although I suppose if Canada was a war zone; that is what would be happening either way; Hell; they've raided my house already, well before Bill C-51; and we are not even close to a war zone; so I fully expect if Canada is ever a war zone, the RCMP to just bomb my apartment outright within five minutes of the conflict starting...
A few nights ago a fire started where my friend is; it was caused by lightening.
Before the fire started, when it was raining, we joked that 'it might be the same storm'; I checked the weather radar for fun; and saw that the storm over her was extremely localized.
It was literally the ONLY cloud cover for hundreds, if not thousands of square kilometers.
It was also pretty well the same size as the body of water it was hovering over.
Cloud Seeding is the act of spraying Aluminum Bromide in the sky, so that moisture collects into rain clouds; making it very easy to create a storm over a body of water; I've watched many operations use the Bay of Fundy as a sort of 'mixing cauldron'; for lack of better words.
This ALMOST causes me to wonder if the storm which triggered the fire itself had been artificially generated.
The fact they are not generating rain to fight the storms; and the fact that crews are currently under manned, and under machined; seemingly constantly and intentionally; while media focus goes on Harper's visit (Which distracted the few men on the ground working, for a photo op......); does make me wonder about these wild fires.
ALMOST as if someone is intentionally setting forest fires, and intentionally retarding any efforts to contain them.
The next subject at hand is the constant poisoning of the population; while Government regulates our lives on a micromanagement level 'for our own good'.
You cannot legally smoke and grow weed; a simple flower; but it is okay for a corporation to sell you a flea collar dosed with a chemical weapon nerve agent created by the Nazis (Who shelved it for being too sketchy.); and for that corporation to cause thousands (Of recorded.) deaths of pets and I'm willing to bet, people; after my own personal experience with such a flea collar.
While our food is filled with Soy, which mimics estrogen, and causes sterility in both sexes, and the effeminization of the male human organism.
While our food is sprayed/grown with chemical weapons left over from the World Wars.
While the Government has publicly known since 1963/64 that tobacco causes cancer because of the chemical fertilizer it is grown in, WHICH IS THE SAME CHEMICAL FERTILIZER OUR FOOD IS GROWN IN.
Do not even fucking get me started on GMO farming; I've witnessed it's effects first hand, and I would rather be in a war zone fighting for my life; than live around a GMO field again.
At least in a war zone I can shoot back without the RCMP raiding my house constantly.
Although I suppose if Canada was a war zone; that is what would be happening either way; Hell; they've raided my house already, well before Bill C-51; and we are not even close to a war zone; so I fully expect if Canada is ever a war zone, the RCMP to just bomb my apartment outright within five minutes of the conflict starting...
Sort of like when they tried to bomb Sam Steinberg in the 70s...
Government IS NOT protecting us from anything; Government is enabling the Mass Murderers who are the industrialists; who are the Big Oil; Big Farm; Big Pharma Corporations to slaughter us by the millions; 7 million people die each year globally from air pollution alone; while banning us from substances produced by the Earth herself, such as cannabis and magic mushrooms; while regulating us to an increasingly short list of Government Approved Religions (Islam might be about to get booted off that list.......); which instill blind subservience to false authority.
Government IS NOT protecting us from anything; Government is enabling the Mass Murderers who are the industrialists; who are the Big Oil; Big Farm; Big Pharma Corporations to slaughter us by the millions; 7 million people die each year globally from air pollution alone; while banning us from substances produced by the Earth herself, such as cannabis and magic mushrooms; while regulating us to an increasingly short list of Government Approved Religions (Islam might be about to get booted off that list.......); which instill blind subservience to false authority.
While they give the Industrialists, and Bankers billions of tax payers dollars; allowing strip mining, disastrous large scale industrial fishing, clear cutting forests; while fucking the tax payer out of benefits, social programs and general well being, leaving us with increasing grocery store bills, unpayable electric bills, impossible to escape high rent, laws that forbid even gold panning, basic spear fishing, or removal of a single tree from `Crown Land`, and cities that act more like cemeteries of human souls; still trapped in living bodies; to grind out their lives in minimum wage jobs to serve the interests of the few rich people wearing suits.
The city is the rich man's amusement park, and everyone in side of that city who is not the rich man, is a goof ball wearing a Mickey Mouse suit, for the entertainment and degenerate pleasure of others.
Dance monkey, dance.
The industrial polluted hand of our corrupt civilization stretches out to even the depths of the forests and hinterlands; forbidding simple people from living off the land; and what they can`t forbid with laws; they pervert with pollution.
Our doctor`s take the Hippocratic Oath, to never repeat the horrors of the Nazi science programs again; yet to this very day; they continue to do these very horrific experiments; including their mass drugging of the population with chemicals that have unknown side effects and consequences; all under the guiding hand of Government.
I will avoid getting into the giant mansion tax payers built down town and maintain for "The Queen"; who visits once every few years for a day or two; which recently was renovated; as an example of the bullshit of this building; they installed a THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR TOILET...
The average welfare recipient receives at most nine thousand dollars A YEAR; to survive and barely exist on.
YET; they are willing to spend three thousand dollars for an old fuck to sit on and shit into... Once every few years...
I suppose I will be arrested now for calling "The Queen" an "Old Fuck"... But that's how it is now...
It's quite mind boggling to see how content everyone is here; and how oblivious they all are to constantly being fucked over, daily, minute by minute with out any lube or warm up.
They accept it when they do become aware of it.
My Uncle Allen (R.I.P.) was the only adult who told me the truth as a kid; and in particular, one sunny day on Grand Manan Island; while we watched the Government argue on TV, he looked me dead in the eye; and without missing a beat said: "Steve.... The Government is full of shit."
Feel free to leave a comment and mention ANY ONE THING Government has EVER done that is good.
I've spent months trying to find something; and every time I THINK I found a good action by the Government, it always turns out some evil, despicable action was behind it, or the over all intention of it.
Here is a fine article on my lovely city of residence, I know this person is telling the truth; because I have experienced what he is talking about; several times too many; first hand; and still have the incredible amount of psychological damage from those experiences; years later.
And fuck off with your Bill C-51.
The average Canadian wants to relax, enjoy life, drink some brew, be it booze or magic potion, rest in nature; and frankly; not get pulled into a goddamned civil war because the psychopathic Government is high on coke at three in the morning, conspiring with the RCMP head chiefs over 'anti Canadian petroleum activists and Natives' plotting the utter destruction of society, culture and humanity as a whole.
I suppose I will be head bagged for posting this article; it`s been a good run; see you all in Secret Terrorist Prison Camp.
The city is the rich man's amusement park, and everyone in side of that city who is not the rich man, is a goof ball wearing a Mickey Mouse suit, for the entertainment and degenerate pleasure of others.
Dance monkey, dance.
The industrial polluted hand of our corrupt civilization stretches out to even the depths of the forests and hinterlands; forbidding simple people from living off the land; and what they can`t forbid with laws; they pervert with pollution.
Our doctor`s take the Hippocratic Oath, to never repeat the horrors of the Nazi science programs again; yet to this very day; they continue to do these very horrific experiments; including their mass drugging of the population with chemicals that have unknown side effects and consequences; all under the guiding hand of Government.
I will avoid getting into the giant mansion tax payers built down town and maintain for "The Queen"; who visits once every few years for a day or two; which recently was renovated; as an example of the bullshit of this building; they installed a THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR TOILET...
The average welfare recipient receives at most nine thousand dollars A YEAR; to survive and barely exist on.
YET; they are willing to spend three thousand dollars for an old fuck to sit on and shit into... Once every few years...
I suppose I will be arrested now for calling "The Queen" an "Old Fuck"... But that's how it is now...
It's quite mind boggling to see how content everyone is here; and how oblivious they all are to constantly being fucked over, daily, minute by minute with out any lube or warm up.
They accept it when they do become aware of it.
My Uncle Allen (R.I.P.) was the only adult who told me the truth as a kid; and in particular, one sunny day on Grand Manan Island; while we watched the Government argue on TV, he looked me dead in the eye; and without missing a beat said: "Steve.... The Government is full of shit."
Feel free to leave a comment and mention ANY ONE THING Government has EVER done that is good.
I've spent months trying to find something; and every time I THINK I found a good action by the Government, it always turns out some evil, despicable action was behind it, or the over all intention of it.
Here is a fine article on my lovely city of residence, I know this person is telling the truth; because I have experienced what he is talking about; several times too many; first hand; and still have the incredible amount of psychological damage from those experiences; years later.
And fuck off with your Bill C-51.
The average Canadian wants to relax, enjoy life, drink some brew, be it booze or magic potion, rest in nature; and frankly; not get pulled into a goddamned civil war because the psychopathic Government is high on coke at three in the morning, conspiring with the RCMP head chiefs over 'anti Canadian petroleum activists and Natives' plotting the utter destruction of society, culture and humanity as a whole.
I suppose I will be head bagged for posting this article; it`s been a good run; see you all in Secret Terrorist Prison Camp.
Okay... Pretty sure that is it... Cannot find any missing pebbles in this stone garden; if something comes to mind later; it will be updated; and the link reposted to Waye`s twitter account, as need be.
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