Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Trials and Tribulations: My Story Within The Police State. Part II.

.Part II.

.I hate jail.

For an unknown amount of time I sat alone in this strange new place; recalling a dream from 3 years ago of being held in a prison camp of some kind; where I was 33 years old and trying to keep a child alive. I was not like the other prisoners in this dream; something was different, but I could not differentiate what that difference was at the time. During these initial moments I discovered the toilet; the buttons on the toilet; one for flushing; two for the alleged water tap and sink combo; perched directly over the toilet. Only one of these buttons worked.

"May I please talk with someone??? I would like some INFORMATION about my SITUATION! Freedom of Information is one of our rights in this country is it not?"

Several moments later a pleasant; possibly French Canadian with impeccable mastery of the English language; which frankly showed the glaring intellectual handicaps of his English speaking counterparts; approached my cell and asked what I would like to know. I asked how long was I to be held in the cell; and if there was anyway I could possibly get out faster. Kindly he offered to me I had a minimum of 4 hours; if I behaved; however if I should cause trouble there was potential for a 24 hour visit. This seemed reasonable. So I sat on the hard metal bed, couch, dinning room table thing for a long time until another prisoner was brought in.

I am not sure if the kind possibly French Canadian Officer left before or after the new prisoner was brought in; I was lost in thought for the most part plotting massive terrorist attacks and the like which after some time and deliberation were deemed unfeesable; and without any windows and doors my sense of time and space was starting to drift.

After awhile visitors showed up for the other prisoner; and the new in charge Officer; he was a pudgy; bespectacled man of a pot bellied nature and a demenour to match. The visitors repeatedly demanded food and water for their friend; which after a long time was delivered.

One Power Bar; with massive amounts of manly nutrients in it, and one 500ml bottle of water; as per instructed on the aforementioned Power Bar, for each of us. This was greatly appreciated; as I had only just eaten breakfast and not yet reached my lunch time; and the stress from the arrest had drained most of that food based nutrients.

From time to time the new guard; Officer Gestapo Pig, would walk down the hallway leading to my cell to the point where it seemed he would enter the block and potentially open the door; as suggested by the keys he carried in hand with purpose each time he did this.

After much time more prisoners were brought in. This time a group; very sociable and talkative.
Bordom took over and I could not focus on being lost in though from all the noise being produced by other prisoners; hooting and hollering; and so forth.

I let out a couple animal calls; and they responded in kind; so back and forth in what to me appeared as a game of animal calls we hooted.

Officer Gestapo Pig came back to inform me that he will not tolerate any noise whatsoever from me; none; zip; if I wanted to get out I had to be completely quiet.

He left; without instructing any other prisoners to be utter silent.

This seemed rather strange to me; others were allowed to make noise; even openly and daringly taunting the Police; however never once insisting to them that the pen was mightier then the sword. Which I had done at this point several times; out in the booking room at least once when taunted by Officer two for "Being an Artist." and then a couple times while being taken down the hallway; then a couple times to Officer Gestapo Pig.

So with the passing of time; the second prisoner was taken away; and the group continued to hollar and have fun; while Officer Gestapo Pig came down any time I said something and informed me of the utter silence being imposed upon me. So I mostly poked around looking for escape routes; should my tenure in this cell become a permanent part of my life; which it was starting to feel like given the amount of information being detailed to me and the attitude of Officer Gestapo Pig.

Officer Gestapo Pig brought in another prisoner.

He was quiet; and the only one in quiet conversational range. However he was not a talking person and so for a long time all was silent except the disembodied voices of people having a strangely good social horse play time down the hallways; these bounced around in a sea of sound that was so systematically disorienting and alien feeling to my senses that eventually my mind began to feel odd.

My attempts through out the night to get any more water were met with hostile answers that I had a water tap; however none of these random Officers seemed capable of even spending a single second listening to another human being.

So I sat contemplating how sanitary the toilet water REALLY was.

It SEEMED clean; however closer inspection showed that even a stainless steel toilets can retain some stain. This was not; at this point a viable option.

The other cells around the area had started filling up; prisoners were yelling and hollering at each other; all and everyone being loud; and once again; Officer Gestapo Pig would come around to walk near my door way with his keys tauntingly then walk off saying I had to behave.

This was when things started getting rather weird for me personally. Everything up to this point was fine.


A officer walked down the hallway.

A prisoner asked what time it was; the Officer stated:
"About quarter to one."; very casually and walked off.

All day I had been asking for the time as my internal clock was going haywire from the glaring lights and lack of a view outside. Ignored every time I started feeling disoriented from that also.
Without any warning; as much was today when dealing with the Police.

A feeling. Perplexed.

The a cascading rainbow of others mounted on top of it: caged; captured; boxed in; and utterly suppressed in every way shape and form. My captors it seemed had literally taken me hostage; and the only way out was this utterly elusive "good behaviour and utter silence".

A wave of fire ran over my molecular structure as each atom started it's own scream at this situation; these were the signs of a panic attack; or potentially a nervous break down.

Man; if only I had smoked a joint today; this would have been a lot more tolerable.

My fellow prisoners were all loaded out of their minds on booze and who knows what else and having a rather good round of bored social conversation. While Officer Gestapo Pig continued to remind me that I was not allowed to speak out loud with the other prisoners and to jingle his keys as he; for no apparent reason, along now with several other Officers who repeatedly committed the same action, with keys in hand at now regular intervals.

The cage seemed rather small at this point; and the absurd amount of bars; which at this point were noticeably reflecting subtle shadows and light on all the walls of more bars; on top of the glare of the light which at this point was causing an after glow of even still more bars from looking at the bars.
That's when two older prisoners started having a rather loud conversation about the existence of God; and why one man with a strong, broad voice that silenced everyone in the jail with a sentence uttered and gushing wisdom spoke of how he believed with everything he was made of in the Creator of All; while the other who sounded rather disheveled and spoke of his utter disdane of the thought of a god.
Many of the other prisoners fell silent; chiming in from time to time; along with myself on small fragments of our own personal opinions.

Almost as if under neith these two wise men the sides had been drawn and only the belief oriented prisoners bantered back and forth.

Those who did not believe seemingly punctuating everything with death.

The strong voiced man stated all God has given us is ourselves; and that is all we should need on this planet; along with the acceptance that human is not the highest level of being.

Along with this he stated that all we can count on is love.

It felt like someone had shot every prisoner; they al all fell silent and listened to what this man had to say.

At this point I was wondering if I was even awake; asleep; or possibly in some very strange reality that was not of my own.

The disembodied voices arguing back and forth; bouncing up and down the hallways all became a little too much and I hit the emergency kill switch.

Bursting in manic laughter I staved off another wave of intense panic and capture; this place had officially become weirder then anything I have ever been in before.

Officer Gestapo Pig came down the hallway.

"I would let you go but you keep acting like an orangutang! Smarten up!"

Man; I hated that guy.

The weird discussion continued into the night; time had been strung up and given to the Police to do as they will with.

More prisoners were brought in; soon the whole place was packed.

The older men had gone to sleep.

Now all that remained was the bored conversations of prisoners.

Due to the fact most everyone in there was tanked the first element of their boredom of course consisted of destructive natures. As they could not physically do this; they did so though their words. Even though it was a maddening circle of "Faggot; pussy; ect ect ect" the comedy tact displayed by various prisoners was genius.

The whole night the strongest feeling was the prisoners were the true humans; and our captors the Police; some kind of cold beings who delighted in tormenting whoever they could.

This was more pleasant; like a sitcom; playing around these strange concrete walls.

I felt calm; complacent.

This wasn't so bad.

Thirst eventually became an issue again.

The toilet looked mighty good.

A new officer had started making the rounds.

Officer Robocop couldn't hear a word I said.

However at one point I mentioned the continuous creeping panic and he mentioned that a nervous break down had led him to becoming a Police officer.


So I determined that I would never become a cop in that moment; and sluffed the panic off.
Many, many, many hours had passed at this point.

An officer said it was 4:30 a.m.

Then another a while later said it was 4 a.m.

Those bastards.

No one else knew or cared; most were too drunk to noticed and a majority had worked themselves into the ground and passed out on their cold metal bunks.

The police kept telling me to go to sleep.

I tried; but even when at home I can stay awake for a very long time; especially when I have been locked in a small box all day with no movement available to me.

So I tried to wear myself out doing push-ups and other kind of monkey business I could get into with the cell. Since my sneakers had no laces and were ripped to pieces they offered little in the way of actually shoe services my activities were limited.

Eventually the Police started hinting constantly that the time of our release was near. They said it was 6 am; then 5:30; then various other times that just blurred away as mental fatigue set in.

Aliens started appearing in the hallways and on the walls; various strange things flittered around and each strange visage that passed I asked if they could get the stupid door open for me.

Each one said I had to keep learning in this environment.

So onwards I went.

Wonder what and where those strange things on the walls kept coming from; and where they went when I looked directly at them. Not aliens so much; more like little butterflies but with a strange digital clock look about them.

This place was really starting to get to me.

What the coppers did to me.

Read more at: Part I & Part III

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