Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

.It's All Pretend.

Not the reality we live in;
but the world.

Humans currently are the only reason the ENTIRE GLOBAL BIOSPHERE is currently endangered with collapse. Thus ruling out our accorded reason for existence as a species being: To take care of the natural kingdom.

The only things that are real is what you find in the wilderness.

Real in the sense of consensual reality.

When one looks back; far into history, to the deepest reaches of human memory; they see that before the 6,000-ish odd years of civilized human occupation of reality, we as humans were very abstract thinking, capable of traversing worlds and boundaries within the reality we exist in; and this was to an extent where schools of knowledge; globally speaking the same words blossomed.

Some where along the way; historians say, a few thousand years ago; money and economy was invented, and now; here we are an good leap into the future about to obliterate our entire globe; not with nuclear bombs, but a combination of transport (18% of all global emissions are from the combined use of ALL machinery driving vehicles; planes, trains and automobiles. According to Time magazine)
while the industrial meat complex churns out global bad karma (And 38% of all global emissions! Also according to Time Magazine.) and the male dominated aggressor psyche of the current world Government attempting to make everyone think their way.

That all said; the people who are pretending the most (Bankers et all.) seem to have hijacked the planet at some point; and stepped on more then a few toes along the way.

Money started with the farmers.

If everyone was rotated into the agriculture industry on the same level that the Armed Forces currently recruit people; there would be enough volunteers spread out of the country to allow food to be ultimatly free.

Yeee haw!

This was all going some where and ended up going somewhere else entirly different.

Oh yeah.

Maybe man's reason for being is simple.

The top of the chain, creation wise, and evolution wise (In the modern sense.) we are here to simply enjoy the place.

While all the animals, trees and whathaveyou work their way around, we the higher thinkers of this realm are just supposed to wander around; eating strange plants and laying back in fields watching clouds and marvelous sun sets every day.

Yeah like cave men.

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