As I post this, Metallica`s Creeping Death blares over my head phones, ironically enough...
I sent this email with some photos attached that I took which are in a photo folder on my Facebook some place:"Hello...
As MPs it is your duty to protect us the citizens.
As the Government it is your duty to uphold and defend our rights, freedoms and liberties.
A Government that does not, or cannot is either inept and should be swept away, or is not a Government at all and is a Regime, or Dictatorship, which by their nature self destruct in almost perfectly scheduled manners due to distrust from and abuse of, the People.
Canada is well over the line on that matter.
I will not get into details as to how badly you are failing that duty.
Why I am writing has to do with a topic that is slippery, as much disinformation has been posted on the internet regarding the subject, under the heading "Chemtrails"; I am not emailing you about "Chemtrails"...
I am emailing you about something very real, who I have located companies I myself can hire to perform services for me... I am of course emailing you about CLOUD SEEDING AND WEATHER MANIPULATION...
Enclosed within this email are photos I took today, documenting a cucumber plant's death due to lack of UV radiation; this plant started growing a couple months ago, it should by no means die in the middle of summer from lack of Sun light; given it started growing in darker months!
Also are photographs of trees around my apartment; which I only moved into recently, until now I have mostly been in city/urban environments for the last 10 years; I have never seen anything like this before, and have asked around, others saw it in their areas of the forest last year also, but do not recall seeing it ever before! What I speak of is the turning of leaf colours in early July! Yellows, reds and oranges of fall are blazing across the tree scape, these photos are just examples around my deck alone!
This link is an article I wrote for a local news outlet, done a few months ago before I witnessed plant collapse, it has to do with GMO farming and the weather manipulation.
If you want any future at all you will see to it that Weather Modification technology and GMO farming are both outlawed in Nova Scotia.
Agricultural Warfare Part II:
Link to now defunct local newspaper I was writing for... Will be uploading the article here later today and will hyperlink to it then.
Here are links to documents which are cloud seeding research papers, proving the distinction from the "Chemtrail" crowd; and the basis in reality on a scientific paper level.
A study from 1993:
Technical Paper No. 118 Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State
University Fort Collins, Colorado:
The Weather Modification Association, a private company for hire:
Now keep in mind; if you look up the Wikipedia article on "Chemtrails", they describe Cloud Seeding activities, then deny any of that is occurring in the skies above us; but when one reads the Wikipedia article on "Cloud Seeding", everything the authors deny about "Chemtrails", they admit about "Cloud Seeding", from the effects, to the chemicals used.
I don't expect any of you have even managed to read up to this sentence, let alone read any of the content linked to.
However, if you HAVE managed, for whatever reason, be it genuine concern or mocking entertainment; the responsibility and lives of every person in Nova Scotia is on your shoulders as you are the people who are supposed to represent us to our falsely elected Federal Government.
2 + 2 will never equal 5; no matter how much you believe and pretend, Reality is Reality, the Laws of Nature unchanging and undeniable.
We face the greatest challenge in history, total obliteration of biological life as we know it, and it is at the hands of human kind that it is happening, and it is no accident. The company formerly known as Monsanto is behind a lot of these operations, going so far as to flood Germany and Hungry recently after those nations banned GMOs.
The fact of the matter is, Cloud Seeding and Weather Modification Technologies are banned from use in warfare, even though America had used them in Vietnam to flood the nation in an attempt to destroy their food supplies; but there are no laws or regulations for their use on the population of one's own nation.
To even produce these effect toxic heavy metals like silver iodide and aluminum bromide are laced across the sky.
"At pH < 6.0, fish, the salmonids in particular, are among the most sensitive organisms to dissolved aluminum. In soft acidic waters, the LC50 can be as low as 54 µg/L (for Atlantic salmon at pH 5.2), while in chronic studies, a Lowest-Observed-Effect Concentration (LOEC) of 27 µg/L was determined for growth (for brown trout [Salmo trutta] at pH 5.0). Some species of algae show a comparable sensitivity. Parent and Campbell (1994) determined a LOEC of 150 µg/L (as inorganic monomeric aluminum) at pH 5.0 with the alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. While many invertebrates tolerate elevated levels of aluminum, Havens (1990) found that exposures to 200 µg Al/L at pH 5.0 were extremely toxic to Daphnia galeata mendotae and Daphnia retrocurva. France and Stokes (1987) concluded that stress from aluminum exposure was secondary to the stress of low-pH exposure for survival of Hyalella azteca. Results of other studies also suggest that invertebrates are more sensitive to low pH than to aluminum. Amphibians show a similar sensitivity. Freda (1991) summarized her work by concluding that aluminum can be lethal to amphibians that inhabit soft acidic (pH 4 to 5) waters if concentrations exceed 200 µg inorganic Al/L."
Environment Canada has a publicly available document regarding aluminum salts effects on the environment; included in this email is a photograph taken on my deck of a small plastic container I have left out and allowed aquatic life to grow in, algae, bugs and some duck weed all formed on it's own through the miracle of nature; however as soon as the cloud seeding operations started over the last month, and the fall out drifted down and settled, everything in the bucket died, what you see in the photograph is dead algae and bug carcass', particularly Mayfly babies, a few duck weed survived but then succumbed after a few days; all sunk to the bottom and turned a dark brownish black; the only things floating on the top are various bits of pine needles and dirt that have gathered over the last 24 hours from blowing winds.
The reason the small bucket test is important is as follows:
Smaller fish tanks are more sensitive to environmental changes, thus for a beginner in aquarium keeping, it is suggest to get a larger tank; so as to lower the chances of a mistake killing everything in the tank.
What we see in this small plastic bucket is what we will see eventually en mass across the land.
I have filmed and watched extensively their operations above us; watching the seeders pull storms from over Halifax and over Greenwood to a center point over Wolfville's GMO fields.
Operations Filmed:
Mildew being caused by excessive moisture:
This is a very real threat to our survival, if you do not stop it corporations will literally take everything from us and control all forms of life, as they have already patented GMO's both plant, and animal, resistant to the weapons they spray over us; along with the first successful GMO humans being born in the passed few weeks; from infertile women.
It has been PROVEN that GMOs cause 100% infertility in lab tests by the third generation, we have been fed these poisons since 1996.
If it isn't obvious to you by now, where our future and fate is headed, allow me to outline it:
Humanity will be pushed into cities, the food grown in those cities will only be GMO, all wildlife will have collapsed from the GMO toxins and heavy metals from cloud seeding operations in the soil; child bearing will be determined by who can afford the process, and to a further extent a selection committee to keep undesirable traits down in the population (Remember, domestic animals are not bred for their ability to survive or adapt, but for certain physical traits and mental attitudes.); this of course means one must submit one's will to the rulers, and one must do exactly as they are told or be expelled from the community.
First GMO humans; if you wish to read more on that nightmarish scenario:
If you think Government will serve a function in this future, you are dead wrong; your face of Government is being run into the ground publicly so people no longer trust it, intentionally destroying the credit and economy of the nation, so that eventually when it DOES collapse in on itself from it's top heavy nature, the corporations with their private military police forces will step in to fill the void of power.
With all that said; my best of thoughts on this matter with you,
Stephen Levi Guptill"
I received back ONE reply, and ONLY one reply; from none other than MP super star Geoff Regan himself; and this is it:
"Dear Mr. Gutpill:
Thank you for your e-mail. It is obvious that you are very concerned about this issue, and I appreciate you taking the time to bring your concerns to my attention and share the linked articles.
I realize there is a difference between the “chemtrails” theory and weather modification or cloud seeding, which are recognized practices. Weather Modification is regulated in Canada under the Weather Modification Information Act ( My office has contacted Environment Canada and I am informed that you can submit an Access to Information Request to obtain information about any companies conducting weather modification activities. Environment Canada indicated that the practice is most common in the western provinces where it is used to minimize the damage of hail storms.
I understand your concern about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This is a significant issue and I share your concern and your interest in protecting the livelihood of Canadian farmers and consumers alike. The Liberal Party believes that the approval of new food products, whether GMO, non-GM or organic must conform to both the highest quality evaluation and safety standards, so that Canadians are assured that they are protected and can have confidence in the safety of our food supply.
Moreover, the introduction of GMO crops cannot be allowed to endanger the livelihoods of other farmers and producers who have chosen a different method of growing. It is also the federal government’s responsibility to ensure that adequate plans are put in place for the safe production, transport and necessary protection from cross-contamination.
We stand for strong, evidence based scrutiny of our food supply chain and fully agree that the government must always act to protect consumers and farmers when making these decisions.
I will also share your concerns with my party’s agriculture and health critics.
Yours truly,
Geoff Regan, M.P."
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