Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

.Government - A Critique Of Power.

The Government is made up of the people obsessed with controlling the other people?

And the parties always voted in are the ones staffed and supported by people obsessed with being in control and partaking in voting?

Thusly; thisly; The Government is not of the People, but against the People; by very MEAN AND CLOSE MINDED PEOPLE.

So with that said; how is it, this abstract concept of 'who's in charge' applies to myself or yourself personally; when neither of us (Presumably) have signed a contract DECLARING the Government's rule over our personal lives; up to and including the substances we ingest (Various forms of food; to various forms of ethnogenesis.) along with the amount of money the pilfer from us; and should we even mention the kidnappings and psychological torture used to maintain their position?

It seems the Democratic Countries have completely forgotten what a DEMOCRACY actually is.

Government takes care of administrative jobs.

Government knows and respects that each individual is capable and responsible enough for themselves to not tell them how to live and think.

If religious freedom was truly respected in this country; then how come it is illegal to ingest mushrooms used for over 32,000 years by humans; suddenly banned in the last 100 years?

How come Emily Murphy got marijuana illegally banned?

Thats right; it was added to the bill after it was voted on.

Thus making weed, illegally illegal.

Now they are doing the same thing with Savlia; no sir, no exploration of the subconscious mind for you!

That is after all how they control everyone in the country; through a careful manipulation of the subconscious, 'sleeping giant'; it's time that the worlds sleeping giants got a wake up call.

Doubly Dubious in Doubtful Dillemas:
Apparently all the farms in Canada produce enough food for all of us.

P.S. - Advertisers use reverse Freudian theory to manipulate your mind.

Using key terms and images they pull one's conscious mind towards the object being advertised, stating it's ability to 'make one complete' more or less; while the subconscious gets buried further and further inside; until ones ability to dream no longer exists and the pineal/pituitary glands stop producing DMT; which may or may not lead to the horrible crappyness of adult hood.

We are all recovering from a childhood drug that our brain produces naturally but 'the Government' shuts down through diet, TV, ect ect.

Once these 'third eye' glands have CALCIFIED pretty much any oppertunity for reality based experiences dissipates, and anyone having experiences outside of 'consentual reality' is deemed insane.

Welcome to the age of cattle.

You think we're gonna evolve in 2012?

We gotta make up for a lot of sleep.

The 5th dimension is already populated with phycists and shaman.

Watch this if you dare:

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