Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Thursday, 23 July 2015

.The Playerless Game.

Then one day.

No one played the game.

They all stopped; and didn't turn on their clocks.

Some went to work; but did so with a smirk; and kept the lights off; even in the park.

The cities laid dark; and silent except for the socializing of people out and about.

Cars stayed stationary; no one was going to drive them; and if they did; a mob would swarm the car and quickly disable it by any means necessary.

Everyone simply had enough.

Enough taxes.

Enough rising prices of fuel.

Which in turn; due to their social reliance on the substance of oil; caused the price of everything to sky rocket.

Soon millions were homeless.

It started as a slow slide; then a pouring of people simply unable to afford the capacity to live.

Then one day everyone simply collided and agreed that enough, was enough.

Like a game of pop 500 in the park in the olden days; before video games roped everyone into socially retarded

states hidden away on their couches.

No one turned on any lights and turned off all the appliances.

Transformers and substations across the countries started exploding from the surges of backed up electricity!!!

The people remained calm; knowing they had to in order for panic to not break loose; once panic and chaos broke

loose the Army would be unleashed; quickly ending any and all chances at freedom.


Soon; The System opened lines of communication; stating their compliance.

Large magnetic resonators were being installed; and the oil industries assets seized for massive violations of
human rights and crimes against humanity.

Done were the days of environmental murder; and oxygen genocide; all in the name of profit.

However - the monetary hole left in the economy caused massive job lose and huge unemployment rates.

The People were desperate; it looked like everything they strove for to save the planet was costing them in the
long run the vary freedom and dignity they wanted to enjoy sans pollution.

That`s when; at North America's darkest hour - - -


That's right!


Japan said to the now Free North America "We would also like to not use oil; as it is simply no good!"

Because Japan was smart; they had taken steps long ago by investing their research into advanced robotics; like what Tesla had around 1890 or so.

Japan offered the Free North America "Melt down your refineries and big steel cars! ALL OF THEM; for they are useless now! With the metal build: ROBOTS!!!"

So The People of Free North America melted them all down into robot parts.

The robots were put to work on EVERYTHING; except the jobs people actually enjoy.

They were all plugged into the walls by extension cords so if they ever wished to rise up like in Terminator; they could only go 20 feet or so before simply switching off.

Because no one had a job; no one had any money; and because no one had any money; it didn't exist.

So now each and every person in the now Free World Organization; which wasn't organized at all; except in the fact that no one had anything in particular to do with all the robots working and such; had the freedom of a seven day weekend.

All the time.

Many sat bored for months.

Unsure of what to do with themselves and not having a boss to tell them what to do all day.

Eventually many reached a state of enlightenment by accident with all the sitting around and thinking about thinking.

Many simply made a lot of art.


Entire sky scrappers were transformed into 100 story canvass.

Many others took up gardening; and soon large sphere domes were built out of the remaining scrap metals.

The sphere domes could hold an entire city in them; and withstand incredible storms of immense magnitude.
Massive lots of land lost to concrete sprawl and city decay were consumed by wilderness which grew close and dense right up to the edge of each dome. With these domes being the hubs of humanity roads were almost forgotten; as only one or two were required from each city to the next. Inside people got back and forth with ease; and could go out to the woods within minutes of anywhere in the building; so humanities connection with nature soon flourished again. Many people moved back out to the woods to live in small cabins and traditional tribal ways; eventually creating a balance within the domes for further population expansion. The crystal cities rose again using the harmonics of nature to power their society; without any poisonous chemicals or processes.

The animal kingdom grew back; and Earth finally could breath again.

It was as if a blanket of fear had finally been removed from a long smothered child.

Humanity was then free to focus on advancement once again as a whole.

My plan to free humanity.
Giant Positive Magnet - EVERYTHING requiring power armed with small negative magnetic rotor; thus everywhere the positive field is creates power where ever a negative falls within it! Everything has power everywhere! Roads between cities equipped with positive magnetic lines; allowing an unlimited vehicular range of travel. Where do you want to go today?

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