One day it popped into my head that all technology is just mankind's attempt to externalize something already within himself... Then one other day I happened across Marshall McLuhan, ( who stated something to a similar effect in:
"...[I]f a new technology extends one or more of our senses outside us into the social world, then new ratios among all of our senses will occur in that particular culture. It is comparable to what happens when a new note is added to a melody. And when the sense ratios alter in any culture then what had appeared lucid before may suddenly become opaque, and what had been vague or opaque will become translucent."
Now if he is right, then the most High Tech societies on the planet are currently the most esoterically and physically weak individuals and societies, despite the perception that the poorest nations are the reciving end of an evolutionary butt kicking. Which means we. the shiny cities; glittering in the sky, with all our mighty machines will pass as a cosmic fart; while the mud smeared tribesmen of Planet Earth continue on their trek onward into Infinity.
This is an attempt to physically map out which Hyper Reality (Using as a reference.) technologies are reflections of which natural... Phenomenon, found within the Reality (Using as a reference.) around us.
It is also an on going work, unless I forget about it in a few days and get caught up in some other Thought.
I'll try to start with the basics and work it up to the newer more futuristic items.
And first we need to start with the idea that humans and the civilizations they build are "But Reflections of Reality." as stated by the enormousness of Infinity on one rather relaxing mushroom trip with one then two friends who may remain anonymous if so desired.
As of January 16, 2010:
Chair = Ground/Base of Tree.
Table = Rock.
Building = Sheltered Area.
Plumbing = River.
Dining Ware = Hands/Teeth/Gums/Jaw.
Cooking Appliances = Fire.
Fridge = Salt.
Telephone = Psychic Intuition.
Vehicle = Legs.
Trunk of Vehicle = Arms/Back.
Television = Life Experience.
Audio Recordings = Hanging Out Playing Music.
Display Monitors (TVs, Computers, Hand Held.) = From Humans: External Imagination Projection. / From
Infinity: Everything/God.
Movies = Drugs/Imagination Projection/Blending and removing the line between Inner/Outer space.
Information Regarding Anything Learned At School = Information From The Depths of The Universe.
Video Games: Dreaming (Awake and asleep.), Real Life Experience.
Internet: Civilization: Planet Earth. To a degree the cybernetic world has become a reflection of the reflections of the reflections of reality... Humanity is attempting to add another mirror, built out of digital code to the equation.
Email/Instant Messengers = Telephone = Psychic Intuition.
Notebooks (As in a book that you write notes in)/PDAs = Mental Memory.
youTube = Television/Libraries/Magazines/Crazy Man On Street Corner Screaming About Reptile Overlords = Real Life Experience/Thinking And Learning For Oneself/Meeting Reptile People Who Are Not Overlords.
Social Networking Sites = Inquisitive Nature of Humans To Socialize and the Magic therein.
MMORPGs = The drive to kick everyone else's ass at everything One does in Life/Early Civilizations/The 60s/The 70s/The 80s/1990-1993.
Pharmaceutical Psychiatry = Lobotomy = Self Mastery.
Money = A Person's Worth.
Artistic Medium = Stomping around a field of Mud/Snow/Tall Grass.
Government, Cooperate, and Sub Culture Propaganda and Indoctrination/Societies Imprints (Barbie, GI Joe, Saved By The Bell, $!&%%& Nu-Metal Bands, Main Stream Music, Fast And The Furious for example.) = One's True Self.
Religion = Individual Mystic Experience And Journey.
Modern Sanity = Traditional Pussy.
Modern Insanity = Traditional Normal.
Nation = City = Landscape = Citizens = Average Individual's Inner State.
The News = Whats Actually Going On AROUND You.
NASA = The Psychedelic Experience.
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