I might add links as I write this, I might not; what I hope is that the audience reading is intelligent enough to know how to Google basic search terms to find out if I am talking out my ass or not; sorry if you do not know how to do that, no insult intended; it's easy; just type the most simple words you can, and join them with plus signs.
Instead of searching "What is the meaning of life?"
Search "Meaning+Life".
Maybe add the question mark, if you feel fancy.
It mirrors a lot of what Graham Hancock has to say in his new book; I was not aware of his work when I put together my own narrative on 'how it was'; I've been working on a comic book about this; but have put off progress on it for the last three or four years, because I was lacking some information I am now aware of; and didn't want to just fill in blank gaps, despite it simply being a comic book.
I've contacted Mr. Hancock via Facebook, well before his newest book was released, and confirmed that he has also found the same findings; on his own; which gives a heavy nature to this information, and thus why I bother to write a blog about it in the first place.
Now, on to the madness.,,
The Madness:
This topic is so unwieldy I'm not even really sure where to start... Or how... So I'm just going to plow into this sonofabitch full on...
My friend Janie asked years ago for a drawing of a Tibetan style Buddha; which is to say "Skinny, fit Buddha"...
A deceptively complex task.
The facial expression is subtle, but conveys a ton of information about the Buddha's state of mind; a contentment at a journey well had; and while obsessively trying to nail this expression with pencil and paper over a series of days, it became obvious there was a certain flow to the line work of the face itself; specifically the way the ear lobe curls around and connects to the cheek bone line in a fanciful continuous circuit.
Buddha Drawing
Skip to about four years later; Janie then asks for a drawing of the Easter Island heads; stylized; and so the infuriatingly deceptively complex task began again (I enjoyed it, trust me.); with the same subtle facial expression style being found in the statues, expressing a joy and looking out at the next destination, a confidence in their ability and capacity to navigate this seemingly infinite ocean; and the capacity to build these statues, as a marker for their having been there; and as a guide for those who would come later and understood the language of the heads.
While obsessing over facial expressions of the statues, it became obvious, again, that the ear lobe line curled around and connected to the cheek bone line.
The Easter Island Heads.
This link was discovered a few months after I became aware of what is known as the Bloody Creek Structure; found in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia.
I was walking to town on a forest trail; when a man stopped to have a conversation; we got on the topic of the Clovis people, who suddenly vanished mysteriously around 10-15,000 years ago; and who had roamed about North America, living quite well.
He then told me in response to this; that near by (I never got out to it personally, as it was an enormously long walk; and I used to walk 40+ kilometers out there to get groceries... And I never got around to asking any friends with cars... But I've seen it on Google Earth and it's easy to find and read about.); was a crater in Bloody Creek (So named because of the enormous amount of blood shed there between English and French military forces.); which was so large no one had noticed it until the 1980s or so; during a fly over of the area.
Upon closer inspection this crater was clearly made by an enormous impact; so devastating that it may have caused the North American mass extinction event of 10-15,000 years ago, which wiped out the Clovis, Woolly Mammoths, and other now extinct large animals of the area and time; and triggered a mini ice age; which lead to the now Native First Nations people crossing the ice bridge over the Bering Strait.
Now, this is where things get crazy...
So all this happened 10-15,000 years ago; if you look up maps and what not, you will see the sea levels were all at weird other levels; and even shifted since then dramatically, and were dramatically different before then even.
I have found fish fossils in rock, hundreds of feet above sea level in Nova Scotia; at the top of North Mountain in the Annapolis Valley. I don't know when they got there; or how; but it's weird.
Back on track here...
So if we take today's world as an example, we see the most high tech cities are all along the coast line. The internet's main spine for example, is in New York City; if this were to get wiped out by a large scale even, Iowa most likely wouldn't have the people required to rebuild the internet... No offense Iowa...
If the ancient world was similar, Egypt would have been a back water rural area a bit back from the ocean shore itself; not landlocked, but not nearly as sea coast as it is now.
When this rock hit Earth at the 10-15,000 year ago mark, I believe it threw the Earths water table out of whack, and unleashed much chaos.
Christopher Jordan has done extensive study and research into the idea that the Pyramids and other ancient 'temples' were actually air/water pressure powered fountain pumps; and that the cascading water created a mist effect, to perpetuate a green house environment for the abundant growth of food; he figures "something" happened to shift the water table, so that these "temples" no longer pumped water up; because of the displacement.
I posit that this event was the Bloody Creek Structure's birth.
Once it collided with Earth, not only did it shift the water table to cause the pumps to malfunction, but also threw up enormous amounts of dust into the atmosphere, causing a global famine of incredible proportions.
The global civilization literally collapsed into itself from this event.
The impact of the rock with Earth, in my completely inexpert opinion, ran humanities collective bell (And probably literally rang anyone who was left's bell.); to the point that we forgot where we came from; and ended up wandering around a post apocalyptic landscape for the next 10-15,000 years, and only in the last 5,000 years or so have we been reorganizing back into a global civilization, slowly but surely. Our modern religions are attempts to understand what happened; turning the fertility cults of the ancient world, into the Devil's work; and the Angry Sky God with a Vengeance is always watching, waiting to send a fire hell storm to destroy everyone, yet again, at any moment's notice.
There are organic global civilizations, and imposed global civilizations, but that is a whole other blog post of thoughts.
One night, I had a dream about being in the Phoenician Royal Court; I wasn't anyone important, I was just there hanging out for some reason; everyone was white; and the guy in charge... King... Emperor... Guy with the biggest hat... Was going on about how annoying it was that we couldn't settle down, without the uncivilized constantly trying to wreck our shit; so we had to move again.
I thought it was a dream about how bothersome neighbours are; but I looked up some information and found that the Phoenicians may have in fact been white.
On a sort of related note: Egypt was multiracial; in my opinion a sort of collective effort to combine the best of all cultures into one super culture.
So someone's been chasing someone around a lot to start with; which would have seen the global circumnavigation of the globe many times over.
On top of that, Göbekli Tepe; in Turkey; has a freaky lizard carved into a post; that can also be found in South America and Asia. Graham Hancock really loves this part in particular; I have borrowed this image from his site which can be found here.
"But who the Hell was it?", you might ask.
It was very ancient humans.
These were master sailors, master builders, master craftsmen and artists; they were also high as fuck and tripping balls the entire way.
When they set out initially it was to discover, as they went they built; and now we have the pyramids and other ancient ruins of theirs scattered about the planet, documenting their travels and thoughts.
These were humans that could set sail out in a hand made catamaran boat, traverse the ocean by Sun, moon and stars, and more than likely by smell and sense of the wind and currents themselves, not to mention the watching of wildlife; and would not need to pack an ax, or a shovel, or extra food, or water; these were people who could find the fresh water springs in the ocean (Look it up.); who could reliably catch food as they needed to; who could make any of their required tools, as they were required.
This was an age of extreme human competence.
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