Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The Twelve Grievances

The RCMP really hate this document I wrote... As detailed in their 120 page report on me after they charged me with threatening to destroy Big Oil and kill all it`s CEO`s on hazy night on the internet........ Originally appearing on the Operation: Shadow Project Facebook page many years ago.


The Twelve Grievances is a document, which evolves over time.

Each Grievance is a direct response to every day business in our society which does not ethically/morally add up
with how our society projects it's image to the world at large and itself.

The Twelve Grievances are as follows at this moment:

Big Oil is killing every living thing on the planet and making excuses for why clean technology has yet to replace our current internal combustion based power tech.

Walk into any woods and you will find oil choking the life out of it.

Hundreds of miles away from Civilization; entire ecosystems are being wiped out by oil left from industry and even recreational use.

Our Government is putting Economy ahead of Environment in legislation and law making. Placing corporate interests ahead of the individual citizens, and putting many future generations at risk in order to line the pockets of a few fat cats, today.

The Television informs us they sacrifice the planet to ensure our economies survival, while they themselves destroy economies around the world.

This is clearly madness.

Our society brags about the removal of slavery from our nations in the West; yet our every day candy is harvested by slaves from the other side of the world, who are CHILDREN.

Which is the most blatant evidence our society runs off of psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies.

Currently our society supports the use of trees for the pulp industry. In the time it takes to grow a single tree to the point we can use it for this, we could have grown: 280 hemp crops for the same use.

Not only are trees/forest important in the grand scheme of the environment, shading the lower levels of the forest for water retention and so on, but are the major air filters of our planet itself.

The harvest of hemp uses less water, less land, less everything. It doesn't make economic sense to use trees.
If we are truly capatalistic, then the most efficent form of money making is the obvious choice.

Empathy is now being regarded as a mysterious, psychic, super power phenomenon.

It is not.

We all have two nervous systems, one for driving the car; so to speak, the other, known as the Sympathetic Nervous
System, for synching up with others to find out how they feel.

Almost all the technology we use was designed by Nikola Tesla; yet all of them have had the Neutron Vacuum (Author's name for the device.) removed and a cord for plugging into a wall installed.

Our techonology is designed to run off the vibrations of the planet itself; this was removed.

This removal of Tesla Tech has set our society back over 100 years, with what was the vision of the clean, electric future, being replaced instead by a nightmare of an industrialized waste land.

Quoted from Lenny Bruce.

Doesn't need further explanation, but in a society that deems 'all things art', while mass manufacturing 'all things', one must find a way to differential the 'crap' from the 'arts'...

This is a direct response to Andy Warhol's destruction of the art world through mindless production of 'crap'.

Pay attention, engage reality, don't sleep your Life away!

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is presenting himself as a God sent to the Canadian people.

However he is directly connected to Neo Nazi right wing extremist groups hell bent on turning our Socialist like nation into a Facist State.

His path has mirrored Hitler's even, almost to a T.

Do the research and be horrified.

He is everything that Canada has stood against the last 80+ years since World War II.

He is everything our fore fathers risked and lost their lives fighting against in Europe.

He must be stopped.

While you sip your cooling beverage, there are paramilitary squads executing the bottling plant workers for asking
their boss for a raise.

In five years Coca Cola was responsible for over 35 murders of Union Workers in South America.

Blood shed simply has no place in beverages; especially to save a multi-billion dollar global company a few bucks on employee pay.

Many South American democracies have been usurped, overthrow, and out right extinguished by BANANA companies.
While our nations show boat and declare themselves the vanguards and protectors of democracies around the world; we engage in all out war on smaller nations with the rationalization we are saving them from evil dictators,
YET; our own nation's FRUIT COMPANIES are wiping out the very thing we are claiming to protect.

So WHO IS the lagit democracy?

In Canada, for example; 2 million more people voted AGAINST Stephen Harper, then for; YET, he holds a Majority Government.

This is not a Democracy.

While you stress over making sure Fido and Fluffy have the right balanced diet, pet food companies are harvesting resources with slave children (See the Chocolate Seed.), and performing out right bazaar experiments (Many of which mirror the concentraition camp experiments performed by the Nazis in World War II.) on animals; even when much of the data they are seeking has already been published.

If pet owners truely cared about the animals of the world, this would not have started in the first place; leading this Shadow Operative to believe our society might not even seek to have a pet's companionship, for anything else then 'completing a look/social styling'; while maintaining a total disregard for animal well being, life, and freedom.

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