Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

.On a Sirius Note.

Specifically the older generations; and a wake up call to my own generation.

First we as a whole; as a society and a civilization; must accept one thing: Responsibility.

Yeah that sucks; what for, "How could you say I'm responsible for anything?"... Well you are, just think about how long you have been alive, and how much you've engaged in ACTIVLY within REAL LIFE (TM) towards effecting change around you? Not on the interpersonal level; but in terms of writing your Government officials, talking and communicating with them; going to town hall meetings and discussions and proposing REDICULOUS ideas that would liberate us from the biological struggle through True Technological Advancement.

Responsibility for not asserting our individual selves towards change, responsibility for allowing our Government to trade in our own and our children's, and out far reaching future generations lives for a healthier economy in the now; a fatter pay cheque and shinier luxuries.

We have given our individual free will entirely to Them.

For example, the absolute gutting of the Wilderness still goes on, for example: Where it takes up to 70 years to grow lumbar to the point of it being profitable and pulpable (For paper use.) you can get the equal from bamboo and hemp growth within a cyclic 3 month time frame. Not to mention use far less land space for the farming of these products. Not to mention the myraid of items that can be derived from both.

We have also allowed them to coddle us with extravagant cars and SUVs, accepted their blatant lies regarding electric vehicles and their limited capacity, but also allowed the continued use of coal and oil based power plants.

They have restricted our personal freedoms and enforced in us THEIR version of awareness, allowed them to medicate us, placate us with pharmacopia, synthetic drugs, and to drug the waters with florid and chlorine; to put industrial cleaners in the cearal They tell us is best for our kids to eat every morning, before school where they dull down the capacity to engage in a meaningful sensory based exploration of Reality and cage the growth of our children's awareness through repetitive mind numbing stupidfication rituals.

We have allowed them to make us work relentlessly, like drones or cattle, in a never ending maze of paper work, menial tasks, arbitrary never ending jobs, and insanity inducing conditions. With these work conditions we have become accustomed to seeing the kids before school at 7 am; then picking them up at day care at 6 pm so that you can see them for 2 or 3 hours while they do HOMEWORK before they go to bed.

You plug head phones into your ears and block out the world, wear enormous sun glasses that filter out all but the dullest colours of the spectrum, absorb your attention towards communications through a digital device, often times interceding it into the direct line of contact with the Real World (TM); in essence, ignoring reality for a preferred artificial digital communication; and when your not doing that your watching TV for your information, if it's not on there it's prolly not worth knowing, right?

People have let their capacity to learn, research and understand abstract unknown concepts be dulled and drilled down to an almost void of indifference. Expecting someone to hand them what they wish to know.

A society of zombies, eating brains; looking for the next person who might know what they want so there is no required physical Real Life (TM) investigation.

YouTube has completely absorbed our interest in activity, over saturating the senses to the point of creating a blank faced, white noise of a mind within the human being endlessly searching for something to satisfy their craving for stimulation.

All while living in a completely disconnected digital state. Windows closed, music blaring, video games cranked, movies streaming, and any range of intoxicants from coffee to cocaine to drive the need for stimulation and a cocktail of crashers to plunge the poor over saturated mind into a dark abyss of sleep. Devoid of human contact, interaction, or the subtle joys of a breeze blowing fresh wet after rain air over your body.

Aye... How the fuck could you let it slip so much?

They have slowly lowered a veil over your eyes from birth with the television, radio, large corporately sponsored events; which by virtue of many of Their logos, flaunts the geometry and secret codes of True Reality and the spiritual experiences one has within it when Truly Free.

What do you REALLY know? Discount EVERYTHING you've learned from books, television, or anything not directly connected to Real Life (TM) such as meaningful conversation, experimentation with physics and consciousness, engagement in travel and adventure, and above all an appreciation for Reality that supercedes your appreciation for all this dumb crap that we built around us.

Think for yourself!!!

Engage the rulers of your land in communication!!!

Don't let stupid people run the world!!! 

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