No matter where.
No matter what.
This was the best feeling on the planet.
Even after two some odd decades of mind numbing, sensory blowing LIFE this was the absolute favorite sensation.
Flume rides, inner visions, 200 km/h car rides, movies, books, and TV shows designed to manipulate the senses; aerosol cans exploding in ones face; and then a dozen or more experiences the imagination itself consciously could never have even started thinking about happening (Yet they had) could not compare to what this single moment was like.
He relished it every time it came around.
He relished the fact that at LEAST half the world could not experience it; in fact, it may only happen RIGHT HERE for all he knew.
Laying in that sleeping bag with body warmth circulating with the snap of Fall's coming cold air flowing in gently across the skin.
Whether he was in a house, or camping, or wherever he was; this sensation always drew his mind into a waking dream. It was always the same thing. Waking up, just this same way; breath freezing in the air, looking out over never ending grassy plains and scattered forests.
This was a stone age memory; or maybe an imagined memory; either way, it was more vivid then anything else in his mind; which had a lot of vivid to it all in general.
The freedom of the Stone Age.
Modern academia had painted a gruesome, violence laden struggle for survival; one where at any moment a wild beast could snatch one from the security of life. However these flooding memories were wildly different from those blood drenched scientific view points.
There was an understanding of life requiring death. Plain and simple.
Beyond all that; it was the simplicity of it all that he sunk into the most.
Wake up.
Smell the air; feel the breeze; know you are.
Talk to whoever might be around, people had not even merged into a tribal form in those days; it was one versus all; except of course when others were found. Then it was a joyous romp through reality; it was easier thats for sure to take down a deer with two or three then with one human.
The returns were just as good; and as the season grew colder it meant they could store the meat in a snow bank or cold stream for later consumption. They always had to keep an eye out though; for wolf packs and cougars catching wind of an easy meal of already slain Life.
Nothing could beat this; except mayhap perhaps the chance to rise out of the biological struggle. To no longer require death for Life. That was the collective dream of all the humans he had run into. They thought long and contemplated hard about HOW to rise out.
He had heard of villages and cities as they called them starting to form off to the East; had thought about seeing them before; but decided not to when some of the civilized people ran into him and tried to convince him he was 'lost'.
This 'lost' really meant nothing to him; where ever he was, he was there. He was not lost; he was in his element.
Only people who went to cities became lost from what he could tell; and that only occurred if they LEFT the city. So rather then ever risking getting lost he figured it safest to not have a place to get lost from. To remain undefined and string bare.
These were the things that flooded his mind; even in the modern age.
When driving to work; he thought about the morning hunts.
When sitting in work; he thought about the mid day rest, and equipment management. Creating arrows, finding flint, looking for pieces to what would turn out to be a little hut eventually.
All for making 'Being' more comfortable.
Now; in the modern world; they all had schedules, times to be places, JOBS to do.
All so they could 'be'.
Something was different though; they no longer were with the planet, they were with everything but the planet. In fact even having a camp fire in this strange modern age could result in the disaster of a hefty monetary fine, or a ticket, a piece of paper stating one had to pay wages to the Government because they had a fire in a defined space and time stating one could not have a fire.
Even something as simple as fire was banned.
Yet all the complexities of modern life pushed head long on top of the humans every moment of every day, unless they learned to exist without anything; in an empty room with only food and 'being' around.
This tended to leave many of them with a sense of 'missing out' on it all; what ever modern humans had made it 'all' into; besides one over defined jumbled mess.
No one even knew True Reality any more; the techniques and substances used in achieving this place and state of being were wiped from the more popular strains of understanding and knowledge.
People had been made afraid of their own shadows even.
The holy reality of Life had become messy.
That ancient dream of rising above the biological struggle was long forgotten.
Now civilizations simply wished to control land, and everything on the land; to war against the land even.
To war against each other to maintain control over undefined areas that they has set about defining with borders, and 'different ways of thinking'; which all oddly enough were the SAME ways of thinking; only with various cultural neurosis taking precedence over common sense and basic human liberty.
The planet had turned into a huge cluster fuck of colliding, conflicting information; where everyone screamed they knew what was what; but none actually took the time to find out if it was or not, they just quoted other humans who stated that THEY knew a particular thing or what have you.
It was all rather ridiculous, and he looked forward to the day when tidal waves and earth quakes would suck these trembling sheep into a void of another kind.
Or the day when that ancient dream was remembered collectively; and all the oil and money was stopped.
When the high tech nations realized their responsibility to achieve a certain level of precedence; to free humans from the struggle so that they may simple 'be' on mass.
To grow their meat with science rather then slaughtering millions and billions of animals ruthlessly, to power their cities with magnetism, so no oil was needed.
With free food and power, money and jobs would no longer be required.
Then the developed nations could start the rather simple process of quickly jacking up the undeveloped nations into this new realm of freedom.
The planet could finally breath a sigh of collective relief and everyone could stop fighting and start being.
It was one of two ways.
A long night of war, blood, and death.
Or a Crystal City of long life well spent.
Simple choice.
Stupid, over complex people.
All this; because of laying in a warm sleeping bag with some cold air flowing in.
What a wonderfully relaxing sensation.
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