Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

.Goin' With The Flow - An Essay.

"Just go with the flow."

Typically I associate these words with people trying to get you to do something you know you shouldn't.

Many people live by these words however, thinking it to be a simple way to understand the complexity of Life around them.

However, upon watching much water over the last few years I have noted one thing more then anything.

Nothing in nature ever goes with the flow; in fact, 'the flow' itself may not even be there, but an over simplification of a structure of over whelming proportions.

That said, one might note, the waves, on the surface, the only discernible'flow' to anyone looking at the water; rarely go in the same direction as objects such as leaves and sticks on the river are traveling.

Then yesterday, my dad, a former fishermen sailor type; informed me that while the waves travel one direction, the ACTUAL current, or flow can be traveling in the complete opposite direction, just under the observation point of the person watching the river.

This is not a matter of 'perception and relativity'; it's a matter of fact.

Today; as I sat on the wharf in the morning sunlight, enjoying the warmth of the gentle breeze waft over my skin and tantalize my epidermal senses, it became very clear and apparent that water is far more complex and disturbingly confusing then I have ever witness before; even after a life time of staring endlessly at the surface.

To make a long story short, I noticed not only the current heading the opposite direction of the immediately visible waves, which eventually made my head spin trying to wrap itself around how something can possibly travel in opposing directions while still remaining intact; but, strangely enough, that the waves themselves, while seemingly traveling in a souther direction had, upon much closer inspection, four different directions of travel.

All within the MAIN waves heading south, was a secondary movement of waves, heading laterally from one side of the river to the other, and at the same time, waves moving the same lateral manner, but in the opposite direction, which meant within this spectrum of sight there were at LEAST 3 different directions of the flow, discounting the current which runs deep underneath the waves.

Proceeding to spin my head some more, I continued looking intently into the water, to discover that within the Major Waves heading south and the waves traveling from shore to shore (Yet in opposite directions.) there were smaller waves going through these three varieties of waves, which were traveling north up the river, the direction of the ACTUAL flow of the current.

To compound matters more, within a radius around the wharf were waves bouncing off the concrete, adding a spider web like effect to the over all viewable surface of the water.

By all accounts at this point of understanding, the flow was traveling North, South, East and West all at the same time; not to mention the wharfs influence which added a diagonal movement of smaller ripple waves traveling against all the other forces of the flow.

So then.

Which way IS the flow going?

We shan't even get into the technicalities that nothing living in the water travels with the flow. Fish swim freely about rather rapidly going from the waves to the deep current effortlessly, eels lurk in the depths of the strongest current barely moving at all unless need be and even the inanimate dirt floating about here and there was a swirl of activity, a tumult of vivacious movements, almost hypnotic in nature flying about quiet randomly. I didn't see any salmon, but you will note they go AGAINST all the rivers they spawn from, swimming even up waterfalls to get back to their home.

Nothing in nature was going with the flow.

If anything, this gives me the impression that the immediately discernible 'flow' of things in any given situation is not as it appears to be; in fact, nothing is as it seems.

In fact, one might say the immediate flow that one perceives is an illusion, a trick, that will take you far from the True Current if one puts effort into 'going with it'.

The salmon can teach us, that if anything, what is worth living for is what you must fight for; to swim up a water fall in order to ensure the next generations success.

In conclusion, one must learn to see much deeper then the immediate perception, the reality in front of us is much like a pool of water, there is the top layer, but one can learn to swim deeper and deeper into what lays in front of us, to see things which one only has the smallest intuitive feeling of the existence of.

It is now I say to you; that the Face of Your Creator is very much alive, and very much something you can witness in this life time; just beyond the veil in front of us; do take the time to part this veil, and to open your physical eyes, and also (as the Victorian English referred to them as.) your Beautiful Eyes to see what Truly Is.

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