As some of you may know in my quest to find The Truth, myself, and my creator I have eating a substantial amount of LSD, LSA, magic mushrooms and smoke copious amounts of marijuana.
That said; it has led me to many an answer you will not find on YouTube, in school, in science, or any other manner of information exchange known to mankind at this point.
What I have found has been more then mind blowing.
That person we all long to find, and usually mistake for the person we marry, or the celebrities we emulate, etcetera, etcetera is often times nothing more then our subconscious true selves.
The dream that we currently occupy is not our dream at all; but Infinity's.
Black holes are the doorways of the Universe, also the power plants so to speak, as the energy we generate fuels the energy of reality, which in turn is used to dream our reality which in turn gives us energy to generate more energy.
Thus - As the Greek philosophers figured, the more you move the more energy you generate the more energy you have; the less you move the less you generate the less your Life will develop.
Biologically this is true as we are mammals, in order to generate body heat one must move, or risk freezing to death... In winter at least.
Energy stagnates with lack of movement.
Further more, this reality is NOT a reflection of our imagination, as many Roman thinking members of our species have been led to believe, but rather, we are a reflection of reality; given free will to reflect back in any manner that we wish.
It is through this reflecting the our environment becomes altered, or modified, much as a typhoon would alter the land scape; we do not however create anything, that is the Great Magnet's duty, as Hunter S. Thompson referred to the Watcher as.
Our homes and how tidy and organized we keep them are the reflection of us, and our manner of dress and decoration is the reflection of that which is within us; whether it is a Rainbow Warrior spirit of the Universe's Cosmic Command (Terms made up here for easy digesting.), or if the person is submissive to the manipulative tentical monster, or the highly logical, deeply unemotional Gray Alien within, or if you are a fan of 'consulting with Death' as many generations of humans have naturally done for eons... To see either of the later, check what kind of sun glasses you wear. =P
There are many more spirit types then what I've listed here.
Now at this point one could say I'm totally bonkers, and thats fine, cause I frankly, am.
The reflections of reality can be seen all about us; from the Televisions which mimic our Creators manner of projecting Reality, to the wind chimes which sound like Light traveling, to the spinning multi-coloured pin wheels that decorate your cottages deck, it's all a Reflection of True Reality, and our attempt to emulate it, as Cromagnon has according to our records of trinkets have found, tried to emulate the Homosapians superior tool making capabilities; to a degree that simply prolonged their extinction process.
The internet is the newest biggest reflection; man kinds attempt to bring the Universal knowledge one can tap into with very little effort when one understands the steps; into the physical realm, it's a psychic friends network only sent through wires and cables rather then vibes.
Now for some proof of this reflection within nature.
Today, as I sat upon the river observing nature, the movement of water, the flutter of leaves in the breeze and all the animals about; I was moved to tears of absolute joy at the over whelming beauty of that which is already here; especially when compared to modern man's rather ugly technological cities.
After having a good tear session an feeling recharge, I noticed in front of me, a small lady bug; however it's shell was black and yellow, as opposed to black and red as the normal is for me.
Upon it's back was a perfectly symmetrical design; which, when thought of in an evolutionary sense, is impossible.
If one wishes to experiment, simply attack a canvas with paint in an utterly random fashion and see how long it takes you to make a perfectly symmetrical design, without influencing it at all, the moment you influence it, you have added some degree of a higher intelligence design.
It ain't gonna happen.
The point of this bug however, was that the design was a pattern that was frankly speaking, identical to the geometry of our Creators face, right down to the third eye, and smiling mouth (Which was across the bugs head.) that I have witnessed MANY times now in my life, both while on chemical assisted trips, and now that I know the path to him, through sober inner stillness and deep reflection. Immediately the bug traveled about half an inch down the face of the wharf; and even though it was bright yellow/black, it immediatly blended in with it's gray surroundings; incredibly like the face of the Creator whence done speaking with the human witness, melts back into 'consensual reality'; even with it's awesome presence being so close to us all.
Truly what is above is below.
Seek the Truth; do not allow some nut bar like me tell you what it is; but I can tell you this; no matter who you are, where you come from, what your spiritual or religious beliefs are, we ALL come away with the same cosmic impression, the only difference we may have is a language barrier, that through careful dissection and translation, we will find is all saying the same thing, only with different wyrds.
The EXPERIENCE of The Truth is the same, no matter what.
You can do this through a process of externalizing the subconscious mind (Be sure to contain it, then flip it into The Container of You.) which can unlock the window to see Infinity. Please make sure as you approach your Cosmic destination(From the safety of your couch.) to exert an enormous amount of energy into a Sun Block, which is essentially a shield to keep you from melting under the emanations of Infinity; as they are known to the ancients.
I also know this because from time to time some one manages to travel with me to witness the window opening to The Other Side, some can even travel to the Other Side entirely, particularly when enhanced by DMT or Salvia Divanorum.
(You wouldn't wanna do that to your parents would you?)
"Why'd you come back then?" you may ask.
They kicked me back out telling me the work that had to be done, which after birth and the brainwashing of school became less and less clear to me, however I can now remember clearly again, and it gets crisper every day that I move forward.
But you can take a peek.
And whats the secret of Life, which I have searched for so long now?
To love the people around you, to enjoy your time here, to carry a grateful thankful song in your heart to your Creator for the chance to exist for even a fraction of a second within this beautiful reality we inhabit, to help and grow with those around you, to maintain relationships, to explore and experience the Game we've been allow access to as spiritual beings in a physical experience. To love and laugh and be free, even when imprisoned by those evil men manipulated by dark creatures which were sent to directly challenge man kinds divine free will, as a test to our kind.
Yeah it really is that simple. I also thought it was gonna be something rather complex.
And so, that is all I have to say on that for now.
Enjoy your mental process.
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