Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Saucy Short Stories #1

In a world gone mad.

In a time spun out of control.

In a reality held prisoner.


Choking the city with it's cold clasps.

The city had been free; long ago; when men worked for themselves.

That was too long ago; and had almost been forgotten.

Now; in this city the corporations preyed on the citizens minds.

Bombarding them with messages.

The corporations had the citizens paying fist over cuff in money for the elusive pleasure of killing themselves.

The Government engineering everything down to the flick of every switch in every home on every street in every neighbourhood in every room to cause the spewing of death from the monsterous machinery which powered the City itself.

Even the transportation was rigged, and geared to constantly belch invisible death.

Plants were banned.

Plants with no effect were instituted.

Plants to replace the natural supplements of sunshine were induced.

Soon it had been this way for so long; no one knew any different.

No one cared.

Everyone was told; but still they drove here and there.

Continued to leave all the switches on; and entertainment vessels blarring.

Even in empty rooms; with on to notice.

The Government also wanted everyone to bend to their will.

To work; and ignore life.

This peril they instill:


So inside they all stayed; plugged into a wall, looking at screens that were flat; with hardly any colour at all.

Soon their eyes saw things different.

No more could they see; the millions of shades of black, white, red, yellow, or any form of shade!

The Citizens world became boring and grey.

On top of the fear;
The Government preyed on the increase in gas price to constantly strain the pocket books of the working folks and keep them unstrayed; from the joys of a life, working in chain.

So in the backyards of their home; behind fences the Citizens camped, cut off from nature, the woods and the land.

Ridiculous in nature it may sound or be; but this might be happening to you and me.

Soon the Police took in mind; that they were in charge.

For some reason or another, instead of protect they sought.

To find any different that could possibly be; a thief, a murder, or terrorist.

And that's all they would see.

Wherever they looked a hostile Citizen they saw; until the fear they instilled reflected back in them in awe.

Now the cops were scared of the Citizens they protect.

The Citizens scared of the cops that get bent.

Everyone afraid, locked inside and depraved.

Experience life through a video play.

Until one day.

It all got blown away.

At the flick off a switch.

One night the Citizens caved in!

And so no more switches they play.

Knowing they were killing the planet they held.

They stopped throwing switches and screeching metal fell:


With no lights on, and no cars driving, the economy crashed and the prisoners left laughing.

The corporations lost power, through the hostage of money they held.

And fell down to the ground.

Their office buildings were painted, crazy colours like green.

With images of wildlife, abstract, and insane.

All the people drove small hilarious cars.

Powered by the energy, actions and motion of gear head wyz-ards.

So the people took the Government, back in their hands, built robots to work, so that man could enjoy his life and experience it full.

Now they all travel, and have a stable home.

No more work, no more bills, the Government just sits back and chills.

Soon it starts to spread, and covers up the globe, humans just relaxing, learning to be more amused.

Art and music, song and dance, all the people rejoiced and moved to the math.

So simple it was; to do nothing at all, but sit in the dark and ignore the calls.

Turn it all off; forever on them.

No guns, no bombs, no violence or dread.

Everyone at once, converse and use your imagination instead.

Don't turn the lights on, go to work, or drive;
instead sit, and wait, with everything off until the Government realized just how wrong,
and how much killing, polluting, and maiming for profit would cost.

Action through no action.

Things will resolve.

The Serious Man is going to be felled.

No guns, no bombs, no dread.

The Serious Man is going to be fed;
back to the dark place where he once manifest.

Without doing a thing at all; the Citizens won.

Their reality.
Their time.
Their world.

And so it begun.

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