Sets Of Glistening Eyeballs Reached:

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

.Would you like to know more? Alex Jones, and David Icke.

Reptile people, grays, and a few other phenomenon are all repressed areas of your psyche.
Or in some people's cases, dominant traits. Or in some cases, actual breeds of bipedal beings; who are being hunted through out history.

Alex Jones and David Icke are misinformation agents.

With that stated we must move along; there are things out there, giant squid; collosial squid even, with hooks in their tentacles and whale on their mind.

But that's in the ocean; so calm down.

First; if your riding the wave of panic, fear, doom, and gloom of our wonderfully apocolyptically intense age of living; involving the NWO, reptile over lords, 2012 disaster, aliens this, pop culture that, then take a look at these articles.

Then breath nice and deep and get cho' imagination under control.

They are old; and have been here a long time; but it is possible to escape the wrath of what lies within oneself.

And introductory text to the subject matter; taken from The Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda; it offers a glimpse into what is happening. Mind you there are more mentioning of the subject matter at hand.

Here it is:

Then moving along we see there are corallations between the shaman seers of the fourth world; and their counter parts on another continent; the Gnostic Schools of Mysteries. This is after a brief going over of the basic knowladge applicable immediatly to one's self.

Here ya go:

Should you happen to see Infinity along the way; good luck!



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